Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 128: One Week From 50 And Getting In The Garden

The big day is now just a week away. When I was younger and my birthday was just a week away, I was always filled with such anticipation. Now, not so much. And, instead of all kinds of pre-birthday preparations, this morning I found myself longing for something that would make me feel calm and centered.

Naturally I went out into my garden. Unfortunately, the thigh high weeds along the back wall did not soothe, but stressed me instead. So, I just ignored that part of the garden and focused on my raised beds.

While that too is still very much a work in progress, at least there are still a few things left from the cool season that have survived and one of my tomato plants is already starting to take off, which surprised me.

As I have written about before, there is something so comforting about a garden. Even though there are aggravating things that can happen in your garden; too many weeds, too many pests, not enough sun, too much sun, etc. it is my sanctuary.

It is the one place that I can go where I can be alone without somebody thinking something is wrong, and it is also a place to express my creativity in a way that I can't freely express it other places.

My garden doesn't care if I am 18 or 50. It never judges me, or grows impatient with me, it only wants me to care for it. And in return for that care, I not only get beautiful flowers and delicious food, but I always get a chance to start over and renew myself. I can't think of a better gift on the eve of my 50th birthday.
Violas in my favorite color

TomatoMania Sun Gold Cherry Tomatoes already starting to come in

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