Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 116: The Gift of a Blank Canvas

Plot #125

Thinking this old bed frame will be great for fencing and trellising
Yesterday I wrote about learning to let go and to just let what is going to happen, happen (such depth I know) and to open myself up to the opportunities that present themselves.

So, taking my own advice, today I went to see the community garden plot that I have been given to use for my Senior Garden Program at Torrance Memorial. It has been weeded and tilled by "Farmer Ed" and is all ready for me to create what I want to create for my gardeners.

Just a month ago, I would have been completely stressed, and hemmed and hawed; wondering how I could possibly fit this in with my writing projects, especially the book project. But, as I have written here several times, a lot has happened in the past month that is making me look at all the things that I thought were so important, and that have actually caused me to miss out on so many others that bring me joy.

One of these is the feeling I get when I show others that they can grow their own food, especially people who think they can't garden anymore. As I was standing out there looking at our new plot, I kept thinking about how lucky I am to be given this gift and to share it with others.

I also couldn't help but think about the symbolism of this completely empty space in front of me that is just waiting to be filled through my creativity and passion.

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